e-Book for DONATION


eBook (Digital) Copy of Between the Clouds for DONATION! (Because YOU ARE AWESOME!!) Enter one email address PER eBook purchased in the Text Field Box below. Separate by commas. For instance, if you purchase 3 eBooks for donation, enter 3 different emails where we should send the eBook, such as: school@samoa.com, hospital@newzealand.com, charity@australia.com (these email addresses are not real and are just for example purposes).



Many people have asked if they can purchase a book for donation, which is so awesome of you guys! This listing is to purchase 1 eBook (Digital) copy of Between the Clouds that can be donated to the school, business, or charity of your choice. Simply enter the email address where you would like the book file sent and any custom message you would like to include with the book at check-out. If you would like the book donated to a school in Samoa but do not know of a school to ship to, you can also say School In Need – Samoa and we will email the digital book to a school in Samoa on your behalf. If you would like to purchase multiple eBooks to be sent to multiple email addresses, simply change the quantity to the number of eBooks you would like to purchase and include an email for each eBook purchased.


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