Writing a book is hard. It requires crafting a story, writing the story, revising the story. You need alpha readers and beta readers. You need an editor. You need illustrations and/or cover art and if you aren’t an artist, you need to go through the painstaking process of choosing an illustrator you can afford and who can bring your vision to life. If you self-publish, you’ll likely need to create a Kickstarter campaign, a website, a publishing company. You’ll need to purchase ISBNs, choose a printer, decide allll the options for your printed book. You’ll need to write the blurb, create social media posts, create ads, create a standardized shipping process. SO. MANY. THINGS. Not the least of which is choosing a title for your book baby.
I actually thought of the idea and wrote most of the story a few years ago, with the title The Wandering Little Water Droplet. But I recently realized that this title did not convey some of the Christian themes present in the book and felt this might be disappointing to some readers who expected solely an environmental story and would not attract readers who would appreciate the Christian elements.
The list of title options I have is extensive. So long. And full of many terrible title ideas. And then I thought of…
Between the Clouds
And I really liked this title. But it would still need a subtitle to help create the distinction I was looking for. And it would need a subtitle in case I manage to create a Between the Clouds series as I would like to. The list of subtitle options I have is also extensive and full of many terrible subtitle ideas. And then I thought of…
A Droplet’s Divine Adventure
And I liked all the Ds and Vs and the nice amount of alliteration. But people were pretty equally split as to whether Divine made them think of a spiritual adventure or just a sublime/fantastic sort of adventure. So I played around with a mock-up of a cover using part of an interior illustration and adding visual emphasis to the word Divine to help convey the correct connotation. And I liked it. But I can’t wait to see what my amazing illustrator, Jade Le, creates for the cover….